Sunday 3 November 2013


May, June, July, August, September, October and now its November.

So much is happening and has happened in and around the HUB during these last months. Wonderful people from all parts of the world have come and gone.....fences have been built, new vegetable gardens have been dug and planted, The ring road around the Ecovillage has been started and trenches for the services to the house lots around the road area about to be dug.

The vegetable gardens have thrived all through winter and a most amazing crop of 'Greenfeast' peas are being harvested continuously. Many do not make it to the cooking stage. Fresh from the pod is the way to go..........................yum.

Tuesday 14 May 2013


Have been back on the mainland now for 19 days...not that I am counting! Wondering how the seedlings are progressing that I planted before I left. Wondering about the garlic that was planted with the waning moon and wondering if the summer lettuce seed is ready to harvest.

I let bolt to seed for next summers sowing, a very dark red lettuce, delicious flavour with deep serrated leaves. The yellow flowers were bursting forth like stars heading for the heavens from the rosette.

 In 6 days I will know how the garden I left behind has progressed.  Not counting!

Monday 6 May 2013

From Garden to Plate

One of the very enjoyable elements of being part of the emerging Eco Village is the sharing of resources and work.

 I picked the veges that I grew......
 Ellen cooked the stirfry.........

 We all ate the low food miles (or metres!) stirfry........YUM


Thursday 2 May 2013

Daughters of Fisherman at Dunalley

A childhood friend came down to Tasman Eco Village for a brief visit recently. We came through Dunalley on the way down the Tasman Peninsula. The fishermans pier and surrounds reminded us of the places of our childhood. These scenes have largely disappeared from the places that we haunted as youngsters on the mainland.

 To visit Dunalley was to revisit our past.

Sunday 14 April 2013

Near Roaring Beach

 Visited the beautiful home and property of two visitors I met at the Hub Cafe last week. No words can describe the beauty of the place.

Roaring Beach in background

Burnt out base of Eucalypt

View back to White Beach

Stone wall under construction

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Max in the Hub Cafe kitchen

All types of wonderful food is prepared by Max and Co in the kitchen....these are some pics taken by Max featuring some of the landscapes.

Arrangement of quiches

Sesame seed cookies and arranged herbs (below)

Broccoli, spinach  and cream cheese quiche

Wallaby burger with red onion marmalade, aoli, and salad
Thoughts from Max...."When I started at Parsons Bay Retreat I knew that it was going to be a bit of a personal challenge for myself, having never run my own kitchen before, before I always had someone to look up to and learn from. The Menu created is lets say the best bits from my experience as a chef some from my home country UK and some from my travels around Australia. 

 I had to make the meals easy enough to produce quickly on demand, but without skimping out on the quality, my main rule is to keep things simple. I find I get the best results that way, over complicating dishes is sometimes distracting.  

 It is important working with good, fresh, produce. Usually you can tell in the tasting whether the food is from a good source. The best thing about cheffing at Parsons Bay is that it has one of the best vegetable plots that I have worked with, It is such a luxury to be able to walk down to the garden and pick whatever you need, there are a variety of vegetables and herbs to choose from. Pumpkins, zucchinis, tomatoes a variety of different lettuces and a lot more...quoting from Deb our resident gardener "It doesn't get any fresher" she's right it really doesn't. 

 I have worked a lot in catering though I have a BA(hons) Degree in animation, originally I did not want to be a chef, so I pursued my creative ambitions, though after graduating I failed to find work in my desired field and went back to what I knew best. I am a little disappointed to be honest, though now I can find ways to express my creativity through cooking, It’s not the same I know but I still get satisfaction out of cooking and presenting something well.

 My time at Parsons Bay is unfortunately ending soon, it is a shame as the area is stunningly beautiful, I have had fun here and I think I have developed as a chef, you learn something new every kitchen you work in whether it be a different way of doing things, new recipies, new friends. I think I can take all of these things away from Parsons Bay, good luck to Ilan, the CafĂ© and all the future helpers. "


Monday 8 April 2013

The Happy Wheelbarrow


Today in the rain.....building the pathway to the creek.

 The banks of the pathway have been planted out with a variety of indigenous species.

 When established the vegetation corrridor and track will enable access to Parsons Bay from the Eco Village.

Sunday 7 April 2013


 Last year the Hazelnut Bushes (Corylus avellana) produced four nuts!
This year there were many more.
Some became poker chips we believe, others were rounded up and placed in a bowl and a competition was held to guess the number.  All taken into account this years tally was around four hundred.......competition bowl contained three hundred and sixty chip and eaten unknown!
PS Another 91 were collected after the competition closed!
PPS And another 74 were collected well after the competion closed. Found a seedling from last years dropped seed...have potted it not know if it will be a fruiting specimen. I had never seen hazelnuts growing till my visiting here.

Sunday 24 March 2013

Fresh Eggs

 Paul collecting the eggs  fresh and warm from the straw boxes in the chook pen (and the goat pen.) Some hens think they are goats we reckon!

Sunday 17 March 2013

Driveway from Cafe on Dusk

                                             Not a bad end to an evening meal at the Cafe

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Black Gold

One haybale, a shadow of its former self
The sandy soil in the kitchen gardens here means that the discovery of a 10 cm plus layer of worm castings at the bottom of a haystack was cause for celebration!

 When this black 'gold' watered in and /or added to the soil the vegetables respond almost immediately.Salad lettuces seem to grow overnight sending out lush new leaves just perfect for salad greens.
At the bottom of the haystack
Teema (from Finland) collecting worms and worm castings

Some of the straw not fully decomposed was collected along with worms and castings so that a worm nursury could be established.

A sheet of black plastic was placed on the ground ..... four hay bales placed ontop and the middle filled with the collected material.

A layer of green waste from the kitchen and the fine debris from the juice machine was placed under the surface straw layers for the worms.

Everyone is happy tonight!  People, worms and plants!

Monday 11 March 2013

A short walk from the Cafe

                             Tonight a short walk from the Cafe............close to Paradise.

Sunday 10 March 2013

Lots of Basil

A large bag of basil arrived from that wonderful supplier   'from just out the road'.....Mmmmmmm pesto.....lots of roasted pine nuts needed!

Fresh from just out the road

Just arrived and unpacked in the HUB Cafe turnips, beetroot, carrots and bok choy. 

Saturday 9 March 2013

More of the Same

Benny the guinea pig and the Beetroot Choc Cake

Gardening, eating, walking, smiling...Tasman Eco Village...and a coffee at the HUB Cafe.

Pulling out the yellow Butter Beans and tieing them into bundles to dry, so that the seed can be collected.

Beetroot Chocolate Cake that was made from a freshly pulled beetroot from the garden.

Tuesday 5 March 2013

First Visit

Patrick ( from Germany) helping in the Veg Garden


    I first visited the HUB Cafe at the Tasman Eco Village in November 2012.

 I first heard about the project when listening to an ABC radio article talking about Eco Villages and intentional communities in Sept 2102 and decided in November to visit.

Having a life time interest in gardening and back to earth sustainability I travelled to Hobart first then found my way down the Tasman Peninsula on the school bus to see the place first hand. I spent the week at Eco Village gardening, coffeeing at the HUB Cafe, and enjoying the facilities including the spa and indoor pool. The township of Nubeena and surrounds are on a bay and the beaches, bush and there are many scenic walks.

Over the last four months I have spent as much time at the Eco Village as I have back home on the mainland.

The Cafe features locally sourced food as part of the menu and a highlight of my last visit was to have a dish served that had greens and yellow butterbeans that had been grown 50 metres away in the kitchen garden.